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Why are canine life skills important?

Canine Life Skills for your DOG:

It is the ability of your dog to practice impulse control, to self soothe and relax, and most importantly, know to look to you for life answers. Dogs with solid life skills will be able to reflect, rather than react to the world around them and practice self control to curve their typical reactions. Canine Life Skills is key to your well adjusted HAPPY DOG.

Canine Life Skills for YOU:

It is your new perspective on living with your dog. Your understanding of the animal that is your dog. This includes being aware of different body language of your dog, establishing a communication based relationship (you’ll learn working with us) with your dog. Most importantly, your Canine Life Skill will translate into knowing how to advocate for and guide your dog to success in practicing their new life skills.

June 13, 2019
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